world complete

Once the world was complete, and the gods were marvelling at their creation, a discussion began concerning Humankind. These creatures, unlike all others, had the power of free will. They had the potential to take care of the Earth, as kind and loving benefactors, and spread harmony and love throughout the world. Or they could become tyrannical, self-important, and destructive in their hunger to demonstrate their power over each other and all other creatures.


Surely both aspects would always be present? There will be golden ages, where humans embrace the light, and dark ages, when they are tormented in ignorance. This must be so! It is the nature of free will.  Humankind must grow from infancy, to eventually embody its true adult nature, through all the painful stages of development. And the completion of this cycle is by no means assured. Humans must make the critical choices alone. The gods knew that they could not intervene in this.


“But perhaps we can assist” suggested the sky god, “give the support of a loving parent.” “The knowledge of how to maintain balance and harmony must be planted somewhere, so that those who are willing to seek it can become guides to others,” said the ocean goddess. “Perhaps deep in my ocean womb, so they feel drawn to return to me.” “No, that is too remote,” said the mountains. “The top of my highest peaks would be better. Those who come there will carry their far visions back to the valleys, and share them with others.”


“These are all good suggestions,” said the moon, “but we have to remember one thing. Humans have the whole of creation within them. The world is a reflection of their nature. They can create heaven or hell on Earth.” They pondered a long time. “We must put the truth in the one place that is accessible to all, but where they hardly ever think to look. This way, the discovery will be gradual, and when completed, it will be irreversible.” And so, it was decided. The key to self-realisation would be hidden within the human heart.