workshop two

Crossing the Threshold


A family is a holistic system and within eco-systems, individuals are influenced towards behaviour that fits in with the system, and serves its goals. As a child, your personal identity was patterned by ancestral forces, including your feelings, attitudes and beliefs about you Self.



Your world is a mirror for your inner beliefs, and it can become a kind of prison. To escape from limitation, and discover your true nature, you must connect with a source that links you to your soul. While you try to find solutions from the outer world or the advise of others, you may find yourself returning perennially to the same questions.



Learn how to listen to the quiet voice that arise from your subconscious realm. The more you listen, the stronger the Call will become. It often speaks in the language of symbols and images, and it is guiding you out of the Forest of Illusion, and back home to your Self.



The Healer Within is a beacon, a lighthouse in the tempest.  She guides you to listen and trust your inner wisdom, and to be kind and compassionate towards your Self. It is difficult to discern her voice at first, amid the din of contemporary life, but with every step you take towards her, her presence becomes stronger within you.



To enter the Sanctuary of the Healer involves making a journey, away from the everyday world. To cross the threshold, you must give up something that you no longer need. The Healer invites you into the Sanctuary. There are many treasures there from your past that she has looked after for you.